[[CV.pdf|Complete CV]] ## ⚗️ Bio My name is Tyler Roche and I'm a scientist and educator. I seek to discover and convey knowledge about our world in an engaging and useful way. Please see my [[CV.pdf|CV]], my [[Researcher Resume.pdf|research]], and my [[Teaching Resume.pdf|teaching]] resumes for an idea of my experience. ## 👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience - **Assistant Professor of Biochemistry.** [Baptist University College of Osteopathic Medicine](https://www.baptistu.edu/medicine), 2024–Present. Responsibilities: - Contribute to curriculum development for 1st- and 2nd-year Osteopathic Medical Students - Deliver lecture content across several courses including Integrated Sciences, Organ Systems, and Special Topics - **Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry.** [Trinity University](https://trinity.edu), 2022–2023. Courses taught: - Biochemistry Lecture - Biochemistry Laboratory - Advanced Chemical Principles Laboratory - **Teaching Assistant.** [Georgia Institute of Technology](https://gatech.edu), 2017–2018, 2021–2022. Courses taught: - Quantitative Analysis - Survey of Biochemistry - **Tech to Teaching Certificate.** [Georgia Institute of Technology](https://gatech.edu), Completed 2022. ## ✒️ Writing I have a passion for conveying scientific and technical information in accessible ways to a variety of audiences. For examples of my scientific writing, please see my [[List of Publications]]. In the sidebar, you will also find a non-chronological, interlinked repository of my thoughts and notes. ## 🎓 Education - **PhD** in Chemistry & Biochemistry, [Georgia Institute of Technology](https://gatech.edu), 2022. - **BA** in Molecular Biology, [Pomona College](https://pomona.edu), 2012.